The Old Dragon’s Head Review

The Old Dragon’s Head
By Justin Newland

A green star awarded to a review. Each review will have 1-5 green stars, which 5 the highest rating.A green star awarded to a review. Each review will have 1-5 green stars, which 5 the highest rating.A green star awarded to a review. Each review will have 1-5 green stars, which 5 the highest rating.A green star awarded to a review. Each review will have 1-5 green stars, which 5 the highest rating.A green star awarded to a review. Each review will have 1-5 green stars, which 5 the highest rating.

The Old Dragon’s Head by Justin Newland is a rich historical fantasy set at The Great Wall of China in 1400. Fans of the genre will enjoy exploring the relationship between the heaven and earth realms, the evolution of society, and the journeys of multiple characters seeking to understand and embrace their true identities.   

Twenty years earlier, the Dragon Master disappeared. The Old Dragon, the supernatural protector of the Great Wall, cannot be summoned by anyone but the Dragon Master, leaving the Chinese struggling through internal corruption and exposing The Great Wall to Mongol attacks. A magistrate’s poisoning triggers a series of events that includes increased persecution of Chinese people and conspiracy with the approaching Mongol forces.

Newland introduces characters including the dead magistrate’s son, a menial laborer cleaning the The Great Wall, and an astrologer linking the living to the dead. As their circumstances deteriorate, they face a perilous journey to embrace their new roles as China evolves.

Balancing the panoramic scope with the intricate character tales is a big challenge that Newland expertly handles. At the start of each chapter, he presents a thought from Chinese teachings that prepares the reader for what will be presented. It helped keep the reader focused and made it easier to keep track of the numerous threads in the plot. The story moved clearly between the big picture views and the more intimate character studies. 

If you’re looking for light reading, look elsewhere. The Old Dragon’s Head is meant to be pondered and savored. The book seems slow at the beginning, but it’s only because of author Justin Newland’s deliberate and precise table setting. He’s presenting the core of the story, then introducing the characters and political environments so that the reader will get easily immersed into the plot as it unfolds.  As the plot unfolds, he deftly ties everything together in the conclusion 

The final scene makes it difficult to let go of the story once the book is over without considering where the reader thinks the next part of the story would proceed. Has China truly evolved, or is history doomed to repeat itself?

The Old Dragon’s Head is a thought-provoking epic that will appeal to historical fantasy fans who enjoy being swept away to a different place and time.

The Old Dragon’s Head by Justin Newland is a thought-provoking epic that will appeal to historical fantasy fans who enjoy being swept away to a different place and time. #JustinNewland @matadorbooks @BlackthornTours Click To Tweet


Thank you, Blackthorn Book Tours and Matador Books, for providing a review copy of the book.


About Amy Sparks

Amy is an unashamed book addict. She’s reinventing her life to make reading a regular part of her days so she can attack her long TBR list. What to read? Whatever strikes her fancy. She’ll read anything, except cleaning instructions.

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